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2025/05/23 08:30:00

India has a population of 1.3 billion people, with nearly 65% of the population below the age of 35. India has been a preferred destination for BPOs as the young population of the country is imperative for the future growth of the BPO sector. Indian BPO companies offer varied services, such as customer support, technical support, telemarketing, insurance processing, data analytics and processing, financial and accounting services, and online research.

Call centers have been the backbone of many businesses for customer support. After nearly three years of work and life upheaval, call centers have experienced a revitalization with the encouragement of remote work models, increased demand for service, and the necessity of delivering a good customer experience. The role of contact centers for service and customer service departments is shifting towards the center of the organization and value creation. Call centers will have no choice but to adopt the latest technology to stay relevant in the changing world. Future call centers will incorporate AI, CRM, application programming interface (API), visual IVR, and machine learning to transform into an autonomous contact center.

At this conference, leaders of top players in the cross-industry will share their valuable insights and solutions for the challenges we are all facing. Take advantage of networking opportunities ensured by limited seats at this event and join us in order to share ideas with like-minded people, gain inspiration, learn from experienced C-level executives and establish important business contacts!


Coming soon!

Key Focus Areas

Automation: a win-win for customers and agents

Contact Centre of the Future-Digital Transformation

The Connected customer experience augmented with AI

How Will Metaverse Shape the Future of Contact Centres?

Our Speakers

Coming soon!



E-Commerce & Retail




Who should attend?

Directors, Presidents, Managing Directors, Chiefs, Senior Vice President, Vice President, AVP of

Contact Centre

Call Centre

Outsourcing & Offshoring

Customer Experience

Customer Management

Customer Care

Digital Transformation

Business Process Management

Business Process Outsourcing

Why Attend?

Understand how your Industry peers are managing uncertainty and keeping their people motivated

Be inspired by the distinguished leaders & their thoughts at the forefront of their game

Get actionable advice on specific business challenges & get your most pressing questions answered

Make the most of networking which is the need of the hour

Why Sponsor?

Meet the decision makers of the companies that are heading the departments in their respective organization

Get brand visibility & a competitive edge

Connect & influence decision makers to incorporate your robust solutions

Facilitate interaction and business development opportunities

Registration Form